Tuesday, August 10, 2010

So I Haven't Been Regular..

...in updating "daily." Step off, I'm busy. But I was quite thrilled to see that, in spite of giving up a bajillion runs and allowing A-Roid to get more and more at bats, the Indians did NOT give up 600***. But I digress....

We had Assessment "#2" a couple weeks ago, fully expecting that to be the end and we can FINALLY move forward with therapy...so the appointment was at 9:00. I wasn't thrilled with it, but since it took forever to get the appointment in the first place, we just went with it. Of course, we hadn't banked on Princess getting up before the sun, either...

So we choked some breakfast down her, left mega-early, fully expecting the Friday morning rush hour on 315/270/23, and seeing none, we arrived quite early. Then as luck would have it, the doctor was running late. Joy...

So the doctor arrives, and Princess announces she would like to go play. So the doctor takes her with her and we stay behind. Princess doesn't notice this....then she did. For the next 3 hours, we sat in the lobby while listening to Princess screaming while they ran "tests." Surely at the end of this torture, there would be some therapy options. But alas, no. We needed to now wait until the "team" prepared their report and called us back, could be a week, could be a month. Going on 2 weeks now, still nothing. To say I'm annoyed would be putting it mildly. To say I'm frustrated is an understatement.

1 comment:

  1. You know, the fact that you haven't been "regular" could be a source of frustration too.
    You should look into that...
