Thursday, January 21, 2010

Kids are Freaking Hilarious

So kids are freaking, seriously! Sure, OTHER people's kids are annoying as hell, but YOUR kid is amazing. Sophia's latest kick: Beyonce. Yes, you read that right, my almost-four-year-old loves Beyonce. She sings Single Ladies like a champ, and truly, if you like it then you shoulda puta ring on it. Then there's her new found affinity for the Blackeyed Peas...I Gotta Feeling and Boom Boom Pow, which she calls "Gotta git dat." Again, she's not quite 4. This is amazing....I love my kid. Currently, she said "hey, let's listen to some tunes." That means "I want some background noise but I want it to be something I don't already know." So, following another friend's post about Prince, I turned on some Prince. I mean, who, other than my husband, doesn't freaking LOVE Prince, right? Well Sophia is having a dance recital with her fishy guys. LOVE THIS!!!!

1 comment:

  1. love it! robbie is the same way with music, it just took him longer to get there. music is on all the time!!! miss you we need to get together!
