Monday, May 24, 2010


I just want to point out, hypocrisy is running rampant in our society. Obama haters and Obama lovers are the same. Obama lovers talk about "narrow-minded" people and even flat out "stupid" people, often blaming the rising numbers of Obama haters on the "evil" politicking of Glenn Beck. Obama haters pull out the blame game just as easily, also calling people "stupid" and "narrow-minded" and "uninformed."

I ask someone to point out the difference between Rachel Maddow and Glenn Beck, aside from their obviously different political view points. They are both ENTERTAINERS for either side, the ultra-liberal and the ultra-conservative. I ask you to remember (and try youtube if you can't) that Glenn Beck ALSO complained about and attacked George Bush while he was in office...Glenn Beck makes his money by pointing out the errors of whoever is in charge to stir up the hypocrisy of the mindless people out there that don't wish to take the time to inform THEMSELVES. One thing I will say about Beck, though, is that he doesn't sink to the ridiculous levels of Maddow by calling people "Teabaggers," which, if you don't know what kind of negative street slang that is, I suggest you take a peak at Urban Dictionary and figure it out.

Here's an idea, people. Instead of spending MONTHS on the internet researching the iPad or whatever ridiculously over-priced gadget Steve Jobs and Steve whateverthespellingofhisnameis comes up with that we don't really need, read some news, and read alot of different sources. Become an informed citizen, turn off the damn cable news, and THEN complain. Don't forget, right or wrong, people are entitled to their own opinion, no matter how narrow-minded, backward, or old-fashioned you think it's THEIR opinion.

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