Friday, May 21, 2010

I Made It Through the Rain...

It's pouring down rain, again, so being inspired by Barry Manilow, here are the things this week that helped me make it through the rain...

**The TBDBITLetter...working on it has made me see how awesome our alumni are and so proud to be a part of making their accomplishments known.

**Princess went to the park and played (mostly) without help

**I got Princess's laundry washed and put away in one day, a task that usually takes multiple days.

**Princess only had 2 major breakdowns this week

**Princess woke up exceptionally early this morning and, rather unusually, crawled into bed between us and went to sleep, all on her own....which then broke my heart when I had to get up and go to work, but then...

**I came home from work, opened the door, and heard "MOMMY'S HOME!!!" and played the rest of the day...

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