Thursday, May 20, 2010

The Stars are NEVER Aligned...

So today, Ohio State announced a Bachelor program in Public Affairs...only about 15 years too late....

The price of tuition at Ohio State right now for one quarter is more than tuition for an entire year when I started school 13 years ago...

In other news, I'm sick and tired of hearing about Lebron and Tiger Woods. Those are two athletes that I could go 6 months without hearing a word about and I would be content....

Also tired of hearing "speculation" about Big Televen expansion. Do it, don't do it, make a freakin move, would ya?

American Politics is the most hypocritical, two-faced entity in existence, even more than the Catholic Church. Both sides of the aisle point fingers and blame the other side....for pointing fingers and blaming the other side. How does this help ANYONE?

Social networking is changing the face of the planet. One mention of words like "gay" "liberal" "conservative" "immigration" starts a whole firestorm of blame, rumor, and speculation. But on the other hand, it's super easy to see what's going on all over the world...

Music is a dying art form, but those that make fun of "band fags" are clearly just jealous they don't have the patience to acquire the skill....

Children with special needs are becoming pawns in the political landscape of America. There is never a day where "autism" "on the spectrum" "adhd" are not the headline of some news story, but have you ever tried to get a diagnosis? Waiting lists are such that you almost need to make an appointment at birth to get your child diagnosed. How can that be when so many young people in college make that the focus of their education? Surely there is more than one doctor in a major metropolitan area, like Columbus, that can make such a diagnosis....

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