So for the 1st time in ages, my family actually spent a holiday together: Fourth of July. We headed up to Massillon to welcome home the Singaporeans (no, not actual citizens of Singapore, my cousin & her family have lived in Singapore for the last 2 years and they are now back in the states), and had a lovely time together. Save for one thing: sleeping arrangements.
Night 1: Princess, Daddy, & I slept in Auntie M(not Wizard of Oz)'s attic....on air mattresses. I personally HATE air mattresses, and Princess had never had the pleasure. See, when we travel, I prefer to let Princess get the queen of all sleeping arrangements, since she is no longer pack-and-play-sized. For example, last summer, she slept in luxury in a queen-sized bed by herself in a hotel, while Neena and I shared a horrid hide-a-bed with an equally horrid bar RIGHT IN OUR BACKS. But I digress....Princess had to sleep in an air mattress. She was fairly tired, so I figured she would go right to sleep. Instead, she flopped like a fish on a dock, trying to get free of a fishhook, for about 15 minutes, before finally falling asleep. I had made the bed as absolutely firm as I could get it to go, hoping that maybe she would just be so tired she would pass out and not move the rest of the night, sleeping maybe until at least 8....
So we go to bed, all I hear all night long is her tossing and turning and flopping around. 6:45 guess who's up for the day?? (Here's a hint: it wasn't me...) So the day progresses and Princess takes a nap. Since Daddy had to leave so that he could go to work on Monday, we would be relocating for sleep night 2. We would be hitting up our normal room, with Princess sleeping on the futon. Of course, halfway through the day, I realize that with my "nieces" staying there, I would have to sleep on the floor, since they would have the air mattresses in the attic. Since my back was already slightly tweaked from night 1 on the air mattress, I wasn't all that excited about sleeping on the floor.
In the interest of having a pleasant 4th, and staying to actually see the fireworks my cousin bought, I worked to get Princess a nap. It was a successful attempt, with both of us sleeping on the futon, together, in relative harmony. At this point, I decide that we could sleep in the same bed that night also, since she slept so well and in the correct position, so soundly that I had to shout her name to wake her up. So we go over to my cousin's for the festivities.
Princess spent time swimming and playing on the swing set, etc, and after her hating every second of the fireworks, we head back to Auntie M's. Bath, blah blah blah, she wants to go to bed.
Night 2: One of two things happen at bed time: (1) she falls asleep while we read/sing or (2) she tells me to go and works it out all by herself. When we're not at home, she usually makes me stay with her until she falls asleep, which is fine, but this night, she decided she wanted me to go. I told her to get some good sleep and make sure she saved room for me to sleep in the bed with her, knowing full well that wouldn't happen, but she can be moved.
About an hour later, I head in to go to bed. True to form, smack dab in the middle of the futon. So I try to move her, she bounces back just like a spring. Try again, same result. I try to get in bed and hope she just moves with the force of my body. Nope...just pushed back against me. So couple the "comfort" of a futon and the "comfort" of a bed-hogging, tossing-and-turning four year old and I got no sleep AND slept with 90% of my body hanging off the futon. By noon, I could barely bend at the waist. So since none of the children were in any apparent pain from all of our sleeping arrangements, I've officially concluded I am, in fact, old....and I'm going on a hunt for a chiropractor.
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