Thursday, April 1, 2010

Don't Ask, Don't Tell....

This is grade A proof that the word "retard" should still be in the English language, because THIS is retarded. Who gives a flying tomato who likes who when it comes to someone WILLING, ABLE, and CAPABLE of defending our country VOLUNTARILY, so that we may continue to enjoy the freedoms we've become so accustomed to? I mean, honestly. Pick one: (1) a gay guy built like The Rock, without 'Roids, or (2) a straight guy that looks like Jared, before Subway. Honestly, who do you want out in the freaking desert in the Middle East defending us? I take option 1, thank you very much.

And don't give me some bologna story about "a gay guy might fall in love with the guy in the fox hole with him" because that's a load of GARBAGE. A straight guy might fall in love with the female soldier in the fox hole with him, but no one worries about that. And I'm fairly certain that gay guys and gals can spot their "own kind" and are quite capable of controlling themselves. Honestly, get your head outta your ass, people. No such thing as "Pray Away the Gay."

I apologize for the angry's been a long day and I'm peacing out.

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