Thursday, April 8, 2010

This is the Day that Never Ends....It Just Goes On and On My Friends....

So as previously chronicled, this has been a shit-tacular day. After the longest morning of my life, a morning that makes college exams seem like a cakewalk, Princess finally, FINALLY, passed out a little after 2:00 for a nap. I spent the rest of the afternoon in a relative daze, considered taking a nap myself before realizing I would just feel like garbage afterwards, and instead opted for an afternoon of reading The Wall Street Journal. Right around 4:00 (I didn't get down to the computer until almost 3, so it wasn't THAT long), I ended my brain-snack and started to think about cleaning up after Tropical Storm Cranky Pants. Then there she was....

I sat motionless for a while, like the prey trying to avoid the T-Rex, so that I could judge her demeanor before making any sudden moves. She was, surprisingly, pleasant, pretty, and punctual. She sat down at the kitchen table, still in a bit of a stupor, then began playing. And I mean PLAYING. I think she played with every toy in the house that she could get her hands on. Then I made dinner, and it was a fabulous dinner, if I do say so myself. Tangy Ranch Chicken, Green Beans, Chicken Noodles, and skillet fried potatoes. Princess had pizza (her choice, the 1st food choice in a week) and green beans. So everyone sits down to eat and things are going well. We say our prayers and begin to eat. Midway through dinner, Daddy is done, and Princess and I are left to finish. So there we sit, her giggling and giggling, when suddenly, I realize I had made her laugh so hard she was choking on her pizza. Then she throws up all over the table. Ah crap...

So we get her cleaned up, I do the dishes, she's again playing. I go upstairs to change out of my dishwater-stained shirt, and come back to find her staring at the refrigerator trying to find certain letters. Two minutes later, there is this on the kitchen table...

She did that all on her own, I swear it! The only thing I did was point out she could turn a "Z" sideways to make an "N." Have I mentioned my child is a freaking GENIUS???!!!!! Sure, she's seen that movie, and more than once, but that takes amazing intelligence to remember something that literally flashes onto a screen! Earlier in the day, she did this...

So the moral of the story? At the end of the day, you probably did something right...

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