Friday, April 30, 2010

Today the Step Stool Will be a Fire Hydrant...

So it's no secret, Princess is potty trained.....sort of. But let me explain my week last week. It all started one morning, I wanna say Wednesday or Thursday, but truthfully, all days are a blur anymore (is that a bad sign or normal?). I am woken to the normal strains of "let's go pee and have some juice," to which I offer my normal counter of "if you have to pee, the bathroom is right there, just do it." Next thing I know, I hear something that sounds like a garden hose or a fountain and I peak into the bathroom. What a sight I was greeted with...butt naked 4 year old, standing on top of her step stool, reaching to turn on the light, with left leg out to the side, peeing on her stool like a dog on a fire hydrant. Naturally, I jump up and run in the bathroom, saying "AAAHHH!! What are you doing? GO ON THE POTTY!!!" So she gets down and starts to run to the potty, a mere foot away. Oh this isn't going to end well....

BAM!! Down goes Frazier! Well, Princess, anyways. You becha, slipped on her own pee and fell down. Seriously, no physical comedian in the history of physical comedians had ANYTHING on what I witnessed. Don't know WHY we decided to pee on the floor, but the rest of the day went with a general lack of fanfare, so I figured it was a simple loss of judgement and dismissed it. Then it happened again on Sunday....twice. I finally determined, based on urine placement and proximity to the toilet, she was always trying to make it to the bathroom, but since the light in the upstairs bathroom is in the dumbest spot possible, she would reach and reach for it, causing her to lose control of herself, since she is 4 and basically waits until the last possible second to relieve herself.

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