Friday, April 2, 2010

Dr Update

As predicted, it was not a pleasant visit! The screaming/crying/resisting began before we even got in the car to go. Once there, it continued in the waiting room, then on the scales, then during the nurses exam (because you know, the nurse for the pediatrician actually does about 90% of the actual visits, both well and sick), finally settling down somewhat during the wait for the dr. At this time, she decided she needed to pee, so we then walked down the hall to the bathroom, where she seemed almost spritely. Then we walked out of the bathroom and she saw the dr....oh. my. God. I needed a sedative....and then something for the child. All in all, surprise surprise, she's healthy.

43.5 lbs, 43" (that's 91st percentile for weight, 98 for height...yeah, she's big)

And the drama continued back into the lobby, where I had to of course delay the departure while I took care of the co-pay. Open the door..."I had fun at the doctor, let's go to the zoo." SERIOUSLY?!?!?!?!?!!!

Tomorrow I will present a more in-depth look at our doctor visit, along with a little something I like to call "people I saw at the zoo." For now, time to hit the sack with all the windows open!!!!!!!!!!! SPRING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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