Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Easter, Opening Day, and The Sickness That Won't Die...

Welp, Jesus rose again! I know, I'm going to hell...

So anyways, Easter...most 4 year old children eat tons of candy, making holidays like Halloween and Easter cheap and affordable. Well, Princess likes to be new and different, so she doesn't eat candy. This means two things: (1) Mommy gains weight twice a year, and (2) these holidays mean very little to her. So getting her excited for the Easter Bunny is quite a chore. See, Santa was easy, especially since we used potty training as a bribe (AWESOME idea, Aunt Wonder Woman!), but the Easter Bunny? It took until very late March to even get her to care. But she did start to answer when asked what the Easter Bunny would bring her....

So Holy Saturday, a day after battling the bug, Neena, Princess, and I went to THE Walmart, just to get Princess out of the house, since the bug had had her confined....and she was driving me crazy. On the way home, we hit up Rita's to get some Chocolate Covered Peeps Italian Ice/Custard (HOLY CRAP that was worth the trip). Once home, we watched the end of the game (dammit, Izzo) and started to watch Moses. Princess goes to bed, with relatively little fanfare since we slept about 4 hours that afternoon, and I start to put things together, since Daddy was at the Vigil Mass.

First up, the slide. This should be a simple task....30 minutes later, after nearly breaking my thumb, that was done. Next, the big wheel. Again, should be no big deal. I jokingly said, "I bet the Jews will be done with their 40 years of suffering before I get this built." I will never make such assesments again, and I'm fairly certain God was punishing me. Moses was up and down the mountain, 40 years passed, and I was still building a friggin big wheel.....

I know what you're thinking, "THAT LOOKS LIKE CHRISTMAS!" What can I say? "Anything worth doin' is worth doin' right," - Jimmy Duggan. So this is totally gonna be AWESOME...morning rolls around, sleepy, somewhat cranky child emerges from her room, down the stairs we go...

Yeah, she's cute, it's can say it. Church, which she was very excited for, then Great Grandma's for dinner. Princess is just NOT right...tired, cranky, not listening to anyone. Back home, more crank, play outside with ALL her new toys, inside for bath, more crank, head off to bed, asleep in 5 minutes....Monday morning, more crank, hang out with Neena, go to Target, BAM! Like a ton of bricks, right outta nowhere, temperature...

So we head home, stopping at McDonald's because no kid, even Princess, turns down a chance to eat McDonald's (I know, I gotta knock that off, Big Brother Health Care Law is watching...). Yeah, she didn't want anything to do with that. But it's Opening Day, fer cryin out loud. So SportsTime Ohio it is! Who knew the Indians would be done with Opening Day so early? But Princess is like a slug and relatively warm, so we go to take a nap in Mommy's bed. She's asleep in under a second, I swear, and I turn on the TV to watch the end of the Indians debacle. Once that's over, I switch over to ESPN to watch the Cubbies get their rear ends handed to them, at which time Princess rolls over awake. She just stares at the TV for like 20 minutes, completely silent.

The rest of the day progresses relatively badly, with coughing and runny nose escalating, and I give Princess some Benadryl. So we go to turn off whatever baseball game was on and watch the National Championship (dammit Butler), and Princess jumps up screaming "NOOO!!! Watch baseball!" YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!! But I digress....

Tuesday morning, roughly 6:21am, "wanna watch a show." Wha Wha Wha? Oh, there's a kid there..."no, Princess, it's too early for that, just lay up here in bed." So I pick her up to put her in between us, and this child is holding the fire of 1000 suns in her lil body. And she also had an accident. So we go to the bathroom and I get her cleaned up and in a new pullup and back in my bed. And she wants juice, which is perfect because I can sneak the tylenol in there. Once she's done with that and we're all in bed, I realize that in the 3 cm of space there is for ME to sleep, there's no way to escape her heat, and I suddenly have the urge to rip all of my clothes off and climb into the refrigerator, but she finally drifts back to sleep...then so do I. I SWEAR AS SOON AS I FELL ASLEEP....Daddy's alarm goes off and I hear, " need to get her some tylenol, she's REALLY hot." Thanks, honey, already did that...annnnnnnnd I just fell asleep!

So, roughly 8:15 now, we're up AGAIN. I knew the power was supposed to go off so that AEP could cut down some tree branches wrapped around the power lines, but we were told 9-10, so I figured I had time to make breakfast and a pot of coffee. I also knew there was no yogurt in the house, so I would have to battle Miss Cranky Butt over a waffle. She started in on "I want some yogurt," and as soon as I countered with "we are all out of yogurt so you have to eat a waffle today," BAM the power goes out...8:32. Way to jump the gun, AEP. Change of plans, we'll go to Kroger and BUY breakfast then to Starbucks and BUY coffee.

The illness is worsening, the patience is running thin...............Wednesday morning, 6:52 am, "here, Princess, lay in bed with Mommy." Crap...."she's been up for a while," I'm told, but apparently I was so freaking tired from Tuesday I didn't even notice. She wants some milk, so I head downstairs, basically sleep walking because I could only hold one open at a time, and get her some milk and some Claritin. And she goes back to bed, in HER bed, and sleeps about 2 more hours. When I find the little shit that got her sick, I'm gonna throw down....

But the Indians won today!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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